Thursday, February 02, 2006

Snow Angels on Carpet

Ever had one of those moments where you felt the need to do something that you've never done before? Well, I had one tonight.

While talking to Rach on the phone (great time, great company - distracted only for the briefest of moments I assure you!), I had a burning desire to just lie down on the floor in the middle of the lounge and create my own little carpet snow angel!

Where did this burning desire come from? - no idea!
Will it return anytime soon? - no idea!

.... and the most important question of all:

Did I actually do it? - I'll leave you all to surmise and for those with vivid imaginations to create their own mental picture!!


Anonymous said...

What did you use for snow?
That's indeed you did do a snow angel. did you?
I'll be thinking about it all day!!

CheekyUkie said...

Snow Angel hmmmm, sounds like someone's high on crack LOL

Anonymous said...

I KNOW you did it!!! I wondered what the weird sounds were in the background! He he

KJ said...

Ahhh... my dear Andi! To actually let you off the hook and tell you what I did (or didn't) do is just not as much fun as having you guess!!