Monday, March 19, 2007

Work Schmerk!

I've had a revelation of late - don't all fall off your chairs on my behalf but I've realised that there is more to life than work!!

It's taken me a while to settle into a routine of just life in general this year - I've either played too hard at times or worked too hard and I just can't seem to find the happy medium!! My first appointment has meant moving house, change of social circle, new job... I say job and yet I still haven't nutted through the whole ministry - 24-7 Officer - job 'thing' yet.

I've always known that I was good at admin but I've come to the realisation that I'm absolutely SHOCKING at time management!! Not a bad revelation for 30years of getting to know myself huh?! When there are what feels like 50billion things on the to-do list, I have a shocking habit of choosing the most fun task in the pile and doing it to an excellent standard. If the job looks tricky or I just don't really want to do it right now, then I don't - until the stress levels build to ridiculous levels and I finally realise I need to do something about it all.

Well, this weekend I had two whole days off - in preparation of the Easter Camp wind up! I left my laptop behind and every work document I had brought home with me just-in-case I wanted to do a little catching up (when will I learn!!). Over these two days, with a little throwing of ideas around and sounding off with Shaun, Marcus and Jenny, I've managed to come back to my appointment today with a fresh outlook on things.

  1. I need to spend time on the not-so-nice jobs because once you're into them, they really don't take that long and they're really not so bad!
  2. I need to work smarter and not harder and manage my hours of work a little better.
  3. I need to remember I am one person and not two!
  4. I need to work at getting balance back into life.

Between some pretty special people who have provided some very sound advice, and Hudson's playdough hamburgers and photo-savvy moments, I think I'm ready to face life again!

PS - check out the photo blog for the first of the brag files... my nephew is pretty cute!