Sunday, June 26, 2005

Photo #6

Someone stopped me the other day and asked me: "How Maori are you?" ... I'm still not quite sure what to answer to that - other than: "This much!"
Perhaps this answers it for them - these are my great grandparents.
I'll let y'all play 'match the features'!! - The comfy 'hongi' nose doesn't count- it's standard issue! Posted by Hello

Life Goes On

I would love to report that it's been another 'balmy day in windy Wellington' and that I've just got in from a brisk walk that blew out the cobwebs ... but that would be lying!!
I can however, report that it was cold enough to snow in the Wellington region today (snow all over the mountains) and that it was just too cold to be more than 5 feet away from the heater in my cosy little unit on the block!

Life just seems to be passing me by at the rate of knots! The up side to that is it'll be the holidays in no time and I can kiss goodbye to 7am duties for two whole weeks (what a treat!) and get off campus!! - (no offence fellow cadets!) There are just some days when life feels like Ground Hog Day I tell you!

  • Get up
  • Shower (anyone who has seen me before 9am will understand why this has to happen before my duties!! - soooo not in my body before this event!)
  • Duties
  • On with the uniform
  • Class
  • Study
  • Off with the uniform
  • Bed

...2 weeks of choosing what to do everyday is beginning to cause excitement beyond words!

My course is going well. We're at the tail end of the first semester so we are snowed under (haha! - where is David White when you need him?!) with assignments and an exam on the way. Most of us live in the library at the moment - not only is it warmer (saving our student budgets precious money!), but we're able to spread out without actually having to rent a desk and come and go as we please. Half the books we need to actually do the work are reference ones so it works well all round really - you only feel like you have no life when you realise that it's 9pm on a Saturday night, the rugby is on and you're just leaving the library!! ... I managed a few cries of "Come on boys!" from the couch shortly after so as not to disappoint my father ... just don't tell him it was in between watching a movie on DVD! - I know the score what more do I need!

Today's service was great. It was the Salvation Army's worldwide Self Denial Appeal where we are challenged to give One Week's Salary On Missionary Service (OWSOMS - or as some English cadets would like to write in their Meeting Lead transcript 'OSSUMS' ...hmmm!). We've had several weeks of watching DVD snippets of some of the work that is going on internationally and then this morning we got the chance to bring a separate offering forward - the amount of families that came forward, prayed and then gave an offering was pretty moving to say the least. If you're not called to missionary service, it's a great way to support it.

Well, this was just to let you know that I haven't suffocated under a pile of books - despite popular opinion! I'm living through life's usual ups and downs, studying all the while. I'm enjoying what most days bring and working at how to cope a little better with the rest! ... and I think of you all often and am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible while I'm in Auckland.

Let me leave you with some encouragement someone left me a few weeks back:
(Be still those thoughts of 'Context! Context! Context!')

Isaiah 45: 2-3
I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.


Monday, June 13, 2005

Oh Man!

After Saturday night in the library *geek!* it's official - I have no life!

...and that's all I have time for.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Salut mes amis!

Yes I'm still alive and incredibly sorry for all of you who check so regularly for news! Life has been... busy, shall we say!

Somewhere in the last 2 weeks I managed to add another year to my life officially and a HUGE thank you to all who came out for dinner on the night and to those who sent wee packages - you all made me feel special amidst the chaos. My mantelpiece is currently covered almost from end to end with cards and makes for a nice view in the evenings.

I've had a million and one little things to do and the checklist just seems to be growing as opposed to shrinking... it's like a flashback to my teaching days - just the thought at how that list grows faster than mould is enough to make one shudder! I'm sure that just made all my teaching friends out there think about how long their own list currently is... a thousand apologies! Somehow we get there don't we?!

The highlight of my week would have to have been a message left on my phone by a sweet lady from Telecom NZ who had the closest thing I've ever heard to a real life Lyn of Tawa/full-on Kiwi slang accent in a long time! There's a thought to ponder in itself! We all know how badly we can say 'Fish 'n' Chips' if we're tired! All of a sudden it turns into 'Fosh 'n' chops' complete with high squeak on 'chops'! I was in fits of giggles by the end of the message because at the end of every sentence, the lady's voice went up and did the high squeak thing! - Just try it and you'll see what kept me on the floor for a good while!
*Note - the pitch and squeak are only added on the last syllable of the last word in any given sentence!*
Apparently it's what they think our language will sound like in another 10 years according to a documentary on TV (Monday night a few weeks ago).

For those of you wanting the update on the catwalk, the big day is fast approaching - only 2 weeks away. I chose my outfits this afternoon and don't all die of shock but there are 2 skirts in there somewhere! Other than a few funky accessories and a very cool winter jacket (dusty pink, to the knees, textured and dead cool!) I can't say it was all right up my alley but I've never had 3 shop assitants wait on me hand and foot let alone do all the running around for me! Comes a close second to having your make-up, hair and nails done all in the same day by someone else!

Well, if you're nice and no more tongue-in-cheek comments appear on my blog... yeah on second thoughts, no promises! The big day might just come and go!

Must fly... the rest of the checklist just won't tick itself off! Don't forget me... I love hearing from you all even just the emails from time-to-time.

Á bientôt! ... around July!
(See you soon!)