Sunday, November 26, 2006

Saturday Night

For the few Lone Star novices I'm sure there will be amongst us on Saturday night, definitely check out the menu to save the feeling of being simply... over-whelmed by it all! Simply click on the picture and you'll be there!

It's just around the corner from Wellington City Corps (definitely within walking distance so no having to move vehicles around the city - yee haa!).

See you all real soon...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Speed of LIfe

I feel that life is going about this speed... you know, you check your watch and wonder where on earth the day has gone!

The plan was for life to slow down a little, especially after all the deadline pressures of the last few weeks but I feel like it's winding up instead!... I'm not sure why I'm so surprised as when I stop and think about it, it makes perfect sense for things to wind up at this time of the year not wind down - not yet anyway!

There's preparations for family coming for commissioning, preparation for commissioning itself, meetings and studies to do with our various roles for next year, a pretty full timetable both before and after commissioning and somewhere in the midst of it all some cleaning and packing has to take place!

Funny thing is, I like a busy life! I wonder if my problem today is that I've just gotten used to a different speed of life over the last two years...

Then there's a part of me which sends the constant reminder to keep things in perspective - stay alert, stay organised, be prepared for changes (they will come!!) and keep ahead of the game until all that needs to be done is done!

And then there is yet another part of me that simply calls me home to relax (everything will get done eventually!) and take up the novel that was started late last week instead...

Hmmmm... acknowledge and work with the stress? ...write myself yet another timetable and allocate the hours left in the day (including this evening)? ...or go home and finish my book?

... ...Yeah - tough choice that one!

Friday, November 17, 2006

People Watching People

I had two whole hours of people watching this morning on Lambton Quay in the city - it was great!

Rent-a-crowd (aka - the cadets!) had to collect for Street Day today so, bright eyed and somewhat bushy-tailed, we drove out the gates at around 6.15am. From 7-9am, I watched people avoid any eye contact with me (I think they were the most fun of all!), I watched others run in their trackies and singlets (mad people! - it was blowing a gale through town), I saw so many females who wobbled along in awkward shoes - no doubt saying to themselves the whole time, "Fashion is pain! Fashion is pain!" I had a few who tried to bowl me over, despite the fact that I was pretty close to a shop wall(!!), I watched several bowl each other over as they tried to juggle bags, phones, newspapers and breakfast and I smelt some rather nice smells on some and some rather nasty ones on others!

Not sure why I bothered to even run a comb through my hair this morning as I was barely recognisable by the end of it all but I had pretty good contact with people. I read every ad, on every bus... twice! I nearly counted the windows in the high rise building opposite me, but most of all I just enjoyed not having to worry about work (the last assignment is about to go clunk into that box in about 5 minutes! - yee haa!).

If you need some time out, grab a coffee and sit in a cafe window (standing outside on Lambton Quay does not come highly recommended by me!) and just 'people watch'... you'll be amazed at what you'll see... everyone and everything.

Reminds me of that Jack Johnson song...

Monday, November 13, 2006

the Kaz

I think it's official!

Last night I was interviewed by the current DY at the last Firezone youth meeting for the year. The current DY, in his five year term, has come to be know as 'the Baz' - a name I think he wears well!!... literally! (Baz currently sports a number...3?... all over with the letters BAZ spray-painted on the back of his head)

It wasn't until I turned around last night and caught a glimpse of the screen behind us that I had to catch myself... I had become Barry's successor in more ways than one! The screen said it all! On the right above Baz's head was written 'the Baz' and, you've guessed it, above my head was written.. 'the Kaz'!

I would love to say I actually have a choice in this matter but, judging by the rather sympathetic on the spot voting last night, I feel I am outnumbered 100 to 1!! That, and word has just spread too quickly... I've already been blogged elsewhere as 'the Kaz'!

I'm beginning to think there just simply isn't any hope! - all that appears to remain is simply to live up to the name and who knows what that may mean!!

P.S. - shaving or spray painting my head is simply not an option....!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

HOTGN Commissioning

This will just save me sending out zillions of emails...
To view it at normal size, click once on the photo then once it has appeared again, hover your mouse over the picture and a little 'expand to normal size' icon should appear in the bottom right corner of the picture - click that and you'll be able to read all the details... or just save it and look at it your own way!!


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Real Beauty

This was just too good not to share... thanks Lucy!

Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.
You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is so precious to God.
1 Peter 3:3-4 (NLT)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Snail-mail, Scriptures & Orchids

I know, I know - I should be studying but here's just a few quick thoughts from my day so far...

I got a letter from my Granny today. (I love getting mail that doesn't require a cheque in return!) She wrote and told me about reading issues of the War Cry, how her orchids were doing (my grandparents always had beautiful flowers in their garden) and scriptures she'd be reading of late that she thought I would appreciate. I just had to share...'s nice to know that the Lord knows the way that we take,
like the old chorus says:
Follow, I will follow thee, my Lord
Follow every passing day
My tomorrows are all know to thee,
Thou wilt lead me all the way...

the Holy Spirit is intent on changing us more and more into the likeness of Christ, with God as the Potter shaping us into the exact likeness that He wants us to be.
Do you like this Bible verse?
'As He is, so are we in this world...'

it will soon be Christmas once more. A couple of my orchid plants have come into flower - one is pink and the other is yellow and they look very nice. Must finish off for now...
Love and prayers from Granny
I just loved it! You really can't beat a letter from home can you? And it's kind of precious don't you think...

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Study Schmudy...

I wish that it really was like this... just me with one book, a nice summer's day, outside by the water, taking it all in one fact at a time, remembering those facts at the end of the day and just gently getting it all down on paper in the form of an essay that would pass even the strictest marking because it simply covers the criteria without any problems.

That however, is not quite how it is!! I currently sit surrounded by piles of books - granted some are design magazines... oh how I would kill for an IKEA store in liitle 'ol Aotearoa!!... but the grappling is happening I'm afraid!

From the sacraments... oh to be able to communicate so clearly like some of the authors do!!... to NZ Church History *snore!*... to Pastoral Care and Life's Crises... *double snore I'm afraid!*... and the list goes on!

Such is life I'm afraid! I'm aware I've been a little 'hard to track down' to say the least (!!) so I'd thought I'd let you know that life is on hold for about 2 weeks until the last exam is over and the last assignment clunks into the assignment box. Tis here I sit and here I shall stay 'til all is done!

God Bless my sister (abundantly!) for ringing twice this morning at 7.30am - she's knows I'm just too lazy to get out of bed to get the phone yet if she keeps on ringing I inevitably will just because I know it's her and I'll have to have a blimmin' good excuse if I don't!! (Mental note to you dear reader: Do not start ringing then - my morning voice is a little nasty on the untrained ear!!) Indeed I have actually made it to the library for yet another day and 'work! work! work!' I shall... just as soon as I finish blogging!

So fear not! I am alive and well and it shall not be long until life as I have known it to be, can resume! Until then, stay out of others vege gardens! Au revoir mes amies!