Sunday, April 24, 2005

Things To Do

It's all piling up ... the washing, the cleaning, the tidying, the dishes (I don't think they ever really stop piling up!), the vacuuming, the de-spidering of my unit (ew!) and the assignments!

I'm definitely procrastinating (2 chocolate yoghurts and a bowl of popcorn later I'm blogging instead of writing an assignment! ... being a little green around the gills could explain that!).

I want to be more involved in some things than others, I can't quite stick to my budget (I can't say Chinese takeaways helps but hey!) and there never seems to be enough hours in the day!

... On the up side though (God bless the person who has taught me to look for it!!), I'm only a few days away from my haircut (praise the Lord! - nothing will get in my way come Thursday!), I've sussed out a Mother's Day present and each day that goes by brings me one day closer to the mid-semester break and my trip to Christchurch - yeah!

The closer I get to the due dates, the more I will work - stress is my friend! The cleaning ... can wait - don't all die of shock!! I do occasionally let the dust settle! And maybe, just maybe, if I get to bed a little earlier, the hours I so desperately need will reappear!

Ah... sometimes we all just need to stumble round in a circle for a little bit don't we!

Friday, April 22, 2005

I am Man ... let me at it!

I made an observation yesterday in class. I thought you might enjoy my musings...

As we sat in our morning class with the windows open for some crisp Upper Hutt air, the heavens opened up and it began to pour. The wind picked up at the same time (I'm starting to realise Wellington rarely has one without the other!) and before you knew it, the rain was coming in through the windows on both sides of the classroom.

What happened next amused me greatly:

On one side of the room a female, gently pushed back her chair, made her way to the nearest window, pulled the blind up using the chord, reached out - shielding her face from the splashes with the other hand I might add! - and closed the window. Quietly having achieved what she set out to do, she sat back down causing as little disruption in the process as possible.

On the other side of the room, however, three men jumped up causing their chairs to almost topple backwards, in at least 2 and a half 'man-strides' made it to the windows, 'man-grabbed' the venetian blinds (as a farmer would grab a small animal!), slammed the windows shut (just to make sure they were indeed closed!), 'man-strided' back to their chairs and plonked themselves down - all three with the look of Cheshire cats across their faces.

The venetian blinds were the unfortunate victims in this situation - they have yet to recover and actually cover the windows as they did the day before yesterday!

What do we take away from this situation? I suppose man obviously needs to feel needed - just get there first and remove anything fragile in their path as I doubt very much they will see it or pause long enough to remove it with out 'man-handling' it! ... hmmm ... my house is so not 'man-proof' - but that's a whole other blog!!

Photo #3

This would have to be another of my all time favourite photos. I was fortunate enough to spend some time in Paris in January 2004 - almost the heart of winter and I was by myself most of the time which meant I could amble around at my own speed, get lost and find my way home without too much stress. In saying that, it was pretty hard to get too lost with the Eiffel Tower in the background most of the time - it was a pretty good guide!

I loved the Louvre and went back twice! - those of you who have had to endure a museum with me will know that that in itself is quite near incredible *a thousand apologies again Andi & Ivanka - not to mention my poor sister!*

I also went to a Monet museum and this one, the D'Orsay Museum. The D'Orsay used to be a train station so the structure was pretty cool from the outset. I was amazed at how often cameras were allowed so I had a ball - from Monet originals to marble sculptures, I snapped it all! The sculptures on the ground floor were nothing short of amazing but this one caught my attention. Just look at it! - the detail is just so life-like... and it's marble! It was tucked away in a little corner with limited lighting which worked in my favour. It was taken on my SLR not the digital and was originally black and white.

I must say that I slipped up here though and didn't take a photo of the information so I don't even know the sculptor's name. I've done a quick internet search but if any of you have any more time on your hands than I do (slim chance I know!) and could help me give the artist the recognition they deserve then please email me what you find out (click on my profile for an email address).

Other than that, just enjoy it for what it is! Magnificent... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

One of Those Days...

Ever had one of those days when you feel you just got your calling all wrong? You are soooo not alone! …

During the break in my first class today, I was browsing the latest War Cry (Salvation Army magazine) and, pointing to a picture, asked the ever wise-and-wonderful Jules:
“Who’s this?”

With a well covered snicker Jules answered very gracefully:
“That would be the General of the Salvation Army”
(puh! … only the International World Leader of our organisation!)

I was reduced to reply:
“Well that would be why he looks so familiar then, wouldn’t it?!! … ”

… as Vicks would say: "Aye-ya-yaye!"

Can I just add, that was as good as my form got today!!
Just one of those days … !

Friday, April 15, 2005

Can I Just Say...

Can I just say that post-Easter easter egg sales and Rove LIVE on a Friday night cannot be beat! ... cadbury marshmellow eggs hmmm - only to be superseded by the cream egg. All I can say there is it was a shame that they weren't 10 for $1.99!!

Now that I've justified the name of my blog let me move right along!

Life in the capital city is ... chilly. The gas heater has come on a few times already and those that know me well will know that the 'lekkie blanket has been on for well over a month and the jammies were out on arrival!

Weather aside... the classes are pretty mind-bending. We're all having our theologies challenged from how we read the Bible to why we worship. It makes for interesting morning tea and lunch breaks some days as we just need to 'let it all out' so that we can move on!

I have to admit that when we were being taught about 'The Inspired Word of God', my gift of faith (it is the Bible - let's move on!) left me pretty much running for cover as all the theories and subsequent conclusions just bounced off the back wall and made for nasty rebounders! To my great despair, I now have to write an essay on it all! Guess where I'm spending my weekend - anyone miss the life of a student?

But seriously, it's all good! Good to question, good to find out what we really believe and good to be able to say why - or if you're me, plead ignorance and send them on to the theologians!

I'm over half way in my Hotel Ministries (aka pubs on a Friday night) ... boy did I struggle there! I was not looking forward to it but God has been good! I've learnt to deal with my pride and the divine appointments that happen each week (whether they be through me or one of the others) are worth it. To date, I've had 2 marriage proposals, been asked for my address once and if I was on the phone - to each I have answered, "Would you like a War Cry?!"
* War Cry = Salvation Army magazine

I've been to the prisons a couple of times - once just on orientation and then last night to help run a chapel service at a different prison. There were some interesting times but there were moments when you could have heard a pin drop - everyone was listening. I'd love to follow the prison chaplain around for a bit as it's hard to really get to know any of the inmates when you only have an hour and you're not back for months as we're all on a roster.

… o my head is on a fast track to mush! …

We’re coming into a peak assignment time with 3 big ones due in a couple of weeks so we’re all pretty busy of late. Activities week is fast approaching as is study week so there’s plenty of time to fit it all in – the only problem would be my tendency to procrastinate! Down to the wire I’m sure I will be!

A HUGE thank you to the little gifts and bits ‘n’ pieces that have arrived from you all over the last couple of months. I am blessed beyond words – just when I need something, God continues to provide. Keep the emails coming – it’s great to hear where life is at for you all.

To all that comment – anonymity is no fun (Mat!)

Ciao tutti!

Photo #2

Just in case you doubted my commitment to good coffee...! I have my sister to thank for teaching me how to perk good coffee (molto grazie sorella!). Now I'm living in coffee heaven - no truly! My favourite coffee (Caffe L'Affare) is bagged right here in Wellington. The real shop is not far from home - check them out: ... Now back to the photo!

I'm sorry you have to suffer it but it is my attempt at being 'Arty'!! Inspired by a coffee bean shot Shawn McDonald showed me at Parachute this year. As well as being a great musician, he carries his laptop and AMAZING digital SLR with him everywhere (and some other funky old camera that I've forgotten the name of) ... we swapped photo stories in the Green Room where I picked up as many hints as possible.

I must admit (not that you can't guess!), this has had a few touch-ups thanks to Picasa (not a good look when your reflection is in the stainless steel!!) but the original was taken in my homey little kitchen. Go gas-top stoves - retro, funky and very cool! Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Photo #1

This one's a favourite. It was taken at the Dachau concentration camp in Munich, Germany. Vicks and I had just finished looking around the parade ground, barracks and memorials and were on our way through to the crematorium.

It was freezing... As we went through the gate I looked back through the barbed wire fence and saw this shot. The fence was rusting away... just amazing and so incredibly sobering all at once.

Like the memorial in the parade ground reads - Never Again ... Posted by Hello

Room for One!

Now there really is only room for one! I just wrote a blog, hit the wrong key and... gone! All gone!

I was writing to explain the rather large portrait shot below (not intended to be that big I assure you!) and to let you know that my Saturday night Pity Party has room for one and one only!!

To explain the reason for my little gathering (of one!!) and the photo below, my hair is in dire need for a 'trim' and I can't get in to my hairdresser for 3 whole weeks! Three weeks! For those of you who aren't used to my ways, I ring on the day I need an appointment and expect to wait 3, maybe 5 days tops! I'm in Wellington for goodness sake! How many people can there seriously be that need a haircut and how many could there possibly be that need MY hairdresser! ... Seriously unimpressed with Upper Hutt!

...On the upside, (I'm learning to look for that!) I'm kinda impressed that everyone wants my hairdresser! ...

Now the photo... I thought it was about time to add one to my profile. When that failed, I thought I'd just add it to my blog. Instead... I hit send and then - Whoopsie Daisy! (as Toby Mac would have us say) ... it came through just a little larger than intended.

... On the upside (don't blame me! - I've been told to look for it!!), photography is my little outlet when things get a little hazy, so I thought I'd try and go for a photo of the week (if I can keep up with myself!) so enjoy it with me if you can.

Now I'm off to find money to buy chocolate. The sad and pathetic thing there is I have to check under the cushions for loose change! Sadder yet, I may have to settle for a chocolate yoghurt... Like I said, there's only room for one!

Pamper Me!

How often really is there a day when someone else does your make-up and your hair?! ... Oh how I miss my hairdresser!! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Snail Mail

Never underestimate the power of snail mail! Yes – undeniably, we live in an era of technology where we can contact each other at the touch of a button be it through texting, emailing, online or by phone BUT… you should have seen the faces of people yesterday when the mail arrived.

Several of us received cards from people just wishing us well and catching us up on life back home. It was great and gave us something to laugh about and share over morning tea. Then, when we went back to class, another cadet had received mail as well and I happened to turn around just as they were opening it. They were lost in their own little world – as happens more regularly than not of late! – and as they read the card, the smile that spread across their face was incredible.

I know, I know! A bit touchy-feely for a Wednesday but you’d be surprised how cut-off it can feel living in community…. NOTE: community not commune! We even have one of the ‘outside’ students bring us the junk mail – now how bad is that!!

So, even though most of us receive bills and let’s not even go there about the memos, (!! – are there any trees left in NZ!… an issue for student council that one…), suffice to say – we LOVE hearing from you all!


Friday, April 01, 2005

Women's Suffrage

I’m so proud to serve in an institution that has the well-being of both the men and the women at heart. Today really was a step forward for us. This arrived in memo form in my cubbyhole this morning:

RE: Salvation Army Studies – “The Role of Women Officers”

In preparation for this lecture, it is my wish to allow cadets to experience the essence of this subject and have decided that the following will take place:

From today until the end of this lecture, all married female cadets are to serve morning tea drinks and refreshments to their husbands, and ensure that the used utensils are cleared away at the completion of that break.

Single female cadets will report no later than 10.35am each day where instructions will be given and the orders for morning tea to be delivered to all male staff.

Until further notice, all married female cadets will walk one metre to the rear and right of their husband with their heads lowered.

Single female cadets will be issued with a cardboard cut out fixed to the end of a one-metre stick, which they will extend in front of themselves, and they are then to walk in the same manner.

I’m sure that you will agree that this will assist in ensuring that all cadets are aware of their special place in this great institution we serve.

Look forward to seeing you all on the 6th.

Somebody stop our male cadets (who just seem to have too much time on their hands!) from watching past episodes of Sledgehammer (male chauvinist!) and drinking copious amounts of coke all in one go. Rumour has it they split their sides every week… and the memos are only just beginning!

On the up-side, I have been offered cardboard cut-outs of Brad Pitt and Yoda… tough decision there!