Thursday, October 27, 2005

Lily White

Well it's definitely that time of year again. The lilies are out and looking fab all around college (unfortunately there aren't any in front of my flat... just an overgrown bush!) and, of course, it wouldn't be 'almost summer' if the lily white legs didn't come out around campus to join them!

Hey, we're all in the same boat are we not?! Now's the time to get the skirts and singlets out as we try desperately to get that first sizzle on our arms and legs so that we can go into summer with some pride!

Yesterday was just soooo hot down here in the Hutt. There was nothing but a gentle breeze (a rarity for anywhere in Wellington!) so I cashed in on it, closed the books and headed out with the camera! I haven't taken too many shots recently so it felt good to be out and about. The wind did pick up so it didn't last too long but hey, around here, a break is as good as a holiday!!

For those of you that haven't heard, I'm off to Christchurch for my out training next year... a little further away than I had originally hoped for but God is good! I've friends and family in the area and there have been some divine appointments with contacts being made already so God must have a plan and a whole lot to teach me!

We're winding up to exam season soon so it's pretty much 'head down bum up' around here at the moment! If we're not in the books for our classes, we're all finishing off the last of our sermons and meeting leads... never a dull moment! I suppose you could say I'm rather chipper and relaxed about it all at the moment. Somehow I'm managing to keep my head out of the clouds (just!)... more on that another day!

In the meantime, here's my latest little snippet for you all. If decisions have been hard to come by of late, then I hope this helps:
So we have continued praying for you ever since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your lives, and we ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and you will continually do good, kind things for others. All the while, you will learn to know God better and better. We also pray that you will be strengthened with his glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father, who has enabled you to share the inheritance that belongs to God's holy people, who live in the light.
Colossians 1:9-12 (NLT)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Photo #9

I was sitting at the desk in my room this afternoon trying to psyche myself into doing some more work... actually to start some work (!!) and I ended up spending time looking at all the photos I've got pinned to my noticeboard infront of me... I miss you all!

We've been back since July and I'm ready for another break I must admit! Just a few days away from waking up to the same view, a few days of not having to get up at 7am to mop, clean or vacuum before I'm actually in my body and just... well - a break would be awesome shall we say!

We've got a little over 8 weeks to go so I guess all I can do is count down really... one latte at a time, I'm sure I'll get there!

This photo was taken when the Faith Factory music team visited Hastings... we just had the BEST time as a team! AJ, Andrew, Siobhan and I sung hardout all the way down from Auckland. From Kirk Franklin, to Van Morrisson and on to Ron Kenoly - we sung it all... not the best idea when we all had a concert the next night but hey, it was worth the laughs! I had to pick one off the wall so this was it. It made me smile the most - hope it does the same for all of you. You just can't beat good times with good company! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Exercise Dilemma

Most of you will know that without my shoes, I'm pushing 5'4" ... stop giggling! We shorties have finely tuned hearing!

The latest dilemma to go with my height is my clothesline. For around 8 months of the year it had a serious lean... so serious, nothing could actually hang on it unless I could even it out on the other side! Even then my gracious second year neighbours commented on the 'special treatment' I was getting as a first year - to have such a unique fixture in my backyard! How lucky! Not only could I not hang anything on it, it wouldn't turn around either - no, not even in Wellington's wind!

Well, I followed procedure, put in my blue maintenance form and waited patiently... and waited... and waited... and then one day, I went to try the clothesline again, just in case it had been fixed, only to discover one slight problem - I couldn't reach it! I kid you not! Try as I might (with some serious looking around in between I might add!), it alluded me! That is, until I jumped - now there's a mental picture for you all! The kind maintenance man had done a great job on my clothesline - fixed it all up like brand new! ... and raised it an inch or two in the process!

Now, hanging out the washing (which I must say is a rarity as I'm a tad lazy and can afford a laundry room inside!) is now a sporting event! Complete with pegs in mouth and clothing in hand, I have to jump to reach the outside lines, all the while providing yet more sport for my neighbours should they look out their windows at the opportune moment!

But alas, there's hope! I'm not sure if it's due to my 'sport' or not, but the outside lines have... stretched a little!

In my zest to get the washing dry on the first fine day we've had for a while, I psyched myself up to hang the washing outside this morning only to find that I could reach the line on tippy toes - hence the blog... I kinda miss the exertion, though few and far between the moments may have been! Now I have to find something else that counts as exercise as - at the peak of physical fitness (hard to believe I know!!) - walking up the 'hill' to class ("It's a slope!" quips Nicky!) no longer counts!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Photo #8

While women weep as they do now
I'll fight
While little children go hungry as they do now
I'll fight
While men go to prison in and out
I'll fight
While there remains yet one dark soul without the light of God
I'll fight
I'll fight to the very end.
General William Booth
Founder of The Salvation Army
Posted by Picasa

Activities Week

Wow! What a whirlwind month it's been! During the second week of the holidays, College stop classes and we have an Activities Week which has been a bit of a blessing for me.

There was a First Aid Course for everyone on Monday and Tuesday, but thanks to my boss at school last year (may God bless you abundantly Howard!!), I am already certified and did not need to attend - 2 days all to myself, thank you Lord! So the first part of the week helped me to catch up on my work after being sick a few weeks before and meant I could feel a little bit more human... no classes, no uniform, no pressure!

Wednesdays picnic was put off until Thursday and that was a good chance to get out (albeit into a pooey sheep paddock!!) and mix'n'mingle for the day. Some great photos should come out of it hopefully.

And Friday you may well ask? Well Friday was the tramp...uphill, sleet, hail and lots of rain - sound like fun to you?! Well, despite my determination to enjoy it, I must say I came home a tad cold... actually freezing would better describe my general well-being on arriving back at college! The feeling of success on completion wasn't quite the same but alas, I can at least say I have conquered (some of) Mt Holdsworth! The walk definitely blew out the cobwebs and I must concede this time (to the aging Major Noakes) to having wet socks! I was so cold my toes weren't just pruny they were blue as well! A 20min shower followed by a night in front of the heater almost cured all.

Well, despite my fairly relaxed week, I've still a little bit more to do tonight on some assignments but it will all get done! The holiday week is over and its back to uniform, classes and structure tomorrow. Exams are fast approaching and the workload will continue but its all good. We find out our out-training appointments for 2006 in just over a week so I'll make a special blog as close to the date as I can.

Dan & Rach, thanks for dinner the other night. It was great to see you both again and I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation. It's always nice to have a little bit of home down here in Wellington!

Don't hold your breath, but I'll do my best to pick a photo or two and put them up... it's just so hard to choose now! And it just wouldn't be me if I didn't leave you with a little something... hows this for challenging lyrics from Kate Wray (I'm assuming they're public domain by now!):

I make a vow
My life will always honor Christ
Whether I live or die

I belong to Him
He bore my sin
I owe this life to my saving King

I am not my own
You are in control

For me to live is Christ
And to die is gain
No matter what price I pay
I choose to give this life away
