Well it's definitely that time of year again. The lilies are out and looking fab all around college (unfortunately there aren't any in front of my flat... just an overgrown bush!) and, of course, it wouldn't be 'almost summer' if the lily white legs didn't come out around campus to join them!
Hey, we're all in the same boat are we not?! Now's the time to get the skirts and singlets out as we try desperately to get that first sizzle on our arms and legs so that we can go into summer with some pride!
Yesterday was just soooo hot down here in the Hutt. There was nothing but a gentle breeze (a rarity for anywhere in Wellington!) so I cashed in on it, closed the books and headed out with the camera! I haven't taken too many shots recently so it felt good to be out and about. The wind did pick up so it didn't last too long but hey, around here, a break is as good as a holiday!!
For those of you that haven't heard, I'm off to Christchurch for my out training next year... a little further away than I had originally hoped for but God is good! I've friends and family in the area and there have been some divine appointments with contacts being made already so God must have a plan and a whole lot to teach me!
We're winding up to exam season soon so it's pretty much 'head down bum up' around here at the moment! If we're not in the books for our classes, we're all finishing off the last of our sermons and meeting leads... never a dull moment! I suppose you could say I'm rather chipper and relaxed about it all at the moment. Somehow I'm managing to keep my head out of the clouds (just!)... more on that another day!
In the meantime, here's my latest little snippet for you all. If decisions have been hard to come by of late, then I hope this helps:
Hey, we're all in the same boat are we not?! Now's the time to get the skirts and singlets out as we try desperately to get that first sizzle on our arms and legs so that we can go into summer with some pride!
Yesterday was just soooo hot down here in the Hutt. There was nothing but a gentle breeze (a rarity for anywhere in Wellington!) so I cashed in on it, closed the books and headed out with the camera! I haven't taken too many shots recently so it felt good to be out and about. The wind did pick up so it didn't last too long but hey, around here, a break is as good as a holiday!!
For those of you that haven't heard, I'm off to Christchurch for my out training next year... a little further away than I had originally hoped for but God is good! I've friends and family in the area and there have been some divine appointments with contacts being made already so God must have a plan and a whole lot to teach me!
We're winding up to exam season soon so it's pretty much 'head down bum up' around here at the moment! If we're not in the books for our classes, we're all finishing off the last of our sermons and meeting leads... never a dull moment! I suppose you could say I'm rather chipper and relaxed about it all at the moment. Somehow I'm managing to keep my head out of the clouds (just!)... more on that another day!
In the meantime, here's my latest little snippet for you all. If decisions have been hard to come by of late, then I hope this helps:
So we have continued praying for you ever since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your lives, and we ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and you will continually do good, kind things for others. All the while, you will learn to know God better and better. We also pray that you will be strengthened with his glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father, who has enabled you to share the inheritance that belongs to God's holy people, who live in the light.Colossians 1:9-12 (NLT)
Hmmmm I wonder why it is that you're so 'chipper' when you're so busy?! :) So nice to hear though!
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