Tuesday, January 25, 2005


You'll be pleased to know that not one more box has been taped shut but they have been moved around slightly... even if it was only to move the chairs underneath them! Can't you just hear your mother or father in the background about now: "...they won't pack themselves you know!"

I'm hip deep in uniform measurements, finding shoes, printing t-shirts, redesigning calendars and catching up with people before February 24 rolls around. The uniform requirements are slowing coming together, the t-shirts and calendars are for my little 'business venture' (more on that score later!), and friends are coming out of the woodwork for good, long catch-ups - it's great!

I work best when there's lots to be done and am enjoying each day as it comes.

Today I caught up with a friend who lost 2 children last year. Her twins, Billy and Holly, were born prematurely - little Holly lived only a few hours and Billy just 10 days. I sat there this afternoon looking at photos - afraid of my tears strangely enough - as Rhondda talked. I can't even fathom how she has lived through the grief except to say that without God, the saying 'Dying of a broken heart' could have rung true. To have watched the healing process from a distance was hard - what do you say? what don't you say? - but to have lived through it? Unimaginable. Rhondda's hard work in putting together an album of her son and daughter was awesome.

Today I felt privileged.
Privileged to sit and hear the testimony of a mother who has lost 2 children and yet still puts her trust firmly in God.
Privileged that my God is the sustainer through all things.
Privileged that although we may never understand some of His plans, He will never leave us.

Matthew 28:20 "... And lo, I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Thank you Rhondda, for sharing with me. I was blessed beyond words to hear you talk of Billy & Holly and to hear of your faith through it all. Today truly was a day of privilege...

Monday, January 24, 2005

The Secret of the West

Down Scenic Drive for several miles.
A right turn onto a road that is unknown to most.
Travel 10km on dirt and gravel - No tourist could find it alone.
It truly is the secret of the west .... Anawhata Beach!

On a busy day, you might share this secluded secret with 10 or 12 others. Generally, you can almost have it to yourself. At the end of the dirt road, after a 2 minute walk to the track and a 10 minute descent down the steep hill, this wild, ironsand beach is for the taking.

Steph (a work colleague and great friend) and I headed out on Friday and oh, what a day! The sun was so hot there just wasn't any escape except for a quick dip in the wild surf only to dry out but a few minutes later. We took lunch, books, drink and towels and set ourselves up for a good 3 hours! - not a bad effort for the hottest part of the day I might add!

Crunching on crackers with half melted camembert cheese, scoffing my Moro bar before it became inedible (heaven forbid!!), eating warm, salty (and slightly soggy!) ham on bread and listening to the radio attached to a very cool chiller bag (pardon the White-ism!).

Photo opportunities were a plenty - I wish you were all there with me as I'm building a great supply of photos but none of faces!! - the water was warm-ish (!!) and the walk back up the hill blew out the cobwebs (with a cough and a wheeze) and was great exercise for the soul (i.e. included regular stops... to take in the view of course... and took much longer than the 10 minute downhill!)

And to all who choose to seek, you will certainly find a very well kept secret handed down from Westie to Westie - and even the ocassional would-be Westie who tramples the tie-dyed, mullet wielding, Holden driving wilderness of Waitakere!

But, as beautiful as you are, Anawhata, I must revert to what a very wise (and full blooded Southie) friend once told me:
You can take the girl out of South Auckland but you can't take South Auckland out of the girl!!
... however tempting a mullet might just be!

White-ism - a quick-whitted, well-timed yet somewhat cheesy play on words suited specifically to the conversation of the moment.

David White (aka Whitey) is notorious among teaching circles for very bad yet surprisingly well-timed... jokes - for want of a better word! His legacy lives on in many, despite our efforts to desist!

Thursday, January 20, 2005


The Goal: pack boxes by Friday

The attempts went something like this:

Get out of bed (eventually ... still on holiday). Transfer books from bookshelf to spare room for packing, put clutter from floor onto bookshelf... things moving too fast. Pause. Lay down exercise mat and do Pilates!! Enough 'packing' for one day.

Get out of bed (slightly earlier than the day before). Pick up boxes, pack 3 and a half. Repack one - too heavy, repack another - books stacked the wrong way, repack the third - not packed properly and side collapses! More than enough for one day.

Get out of bed in time for lunch with a friend. Shop. Too much to do today to pack boxes! Must do more Pilates...!

Pathetic aren't I?! I am procrastination with a capital 'P'!! ... Perhaps I should just stop planning as when there's actually a goal, cleaning the windows appeals more! You'll be pleased to know tomorrows goal is to hit the beach - camera in hand, and my boxes?... they remain ready (I forgot to add I did tape all the bases together ready for packing!! Truly!!) yet surprisingly, EMPTY!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Tonight was great! Andi (a long time chick friend) and I went for a drive to the beach, took a bottle of sparkling grapejuice left over from my sister's wedding on Saturday, our beach rugs and ate fish'n'chips! How summery is that?! The epitomy of a kiwi dinner! Then (after eating just one last chip too many... not to mention the ice-cream!!), we drove around the coast chasing the sunset - an interesting feat considering we were out east. After having a bit of a winge about the deep, low-lying clouds covering the brilliant light we decided to drive on home. And then, right on cue of course, God parted the clouds and we got the most amazing views from the hilltops all the way back home ... and he did it just like, "Puh" - that! Never underestimate Him!

Our Summer has arrived - a little later than usual this year but my friends and I are determined to make the most of it. Next time, we need to remember the camera!! Anawhata - here we come!

Lorinda's Wedding

Wow! Hard to believe really but on Saturday 15th January, my big sister got married to Wes. It all seems a bit surreal - I have a brother-in-law, my sister has done the whole 'cleave and leave' thing and we've gained a whole new family in the process. It was an amazing day, with vows that made everyone smile over the fact that they will love each other's bodies as they 'change as they age'!! I was so proud of my sister and her choice of husband. Lorinda, the day was fabulous and there should be some great photos to show for it - you made for one incredibly beautiful bride sis!

Lorinda's Big Day Posted by Hello

Monday, January 17, 2005

My First Blog - Had You Told Me Then...

I was sitting around packing boxes for my big move to a new city in a little over 3 weeks, thinking about where I was a few years back. If you had told me then that by 2005...

I would have changed careers
My earnings would decrease by 80% (by choice!!)
I would be a student again
I would be living in a new city
I would have a place of my own
I would have preached a sermon at church
I wouldn't be working with children
I would have seen the Eiffel Tower and the ruins of Rome
That my sister would be married
That God would have placed a call on my heart for full time ministry...

I would have rolled on the floor laughing for a good portion of time!! Yet, that's where I am.

I arrived at a fork in the road about 18mths ago and God showed me both paths... there were blessings down both, the choice was mine and I knew which one it would be without a doubt. It was the epitomy (yes, that's my word for the week!!!) of Jeremiah29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

Without a faith, a belief and relationship with Jesus Christ, that might all sound a bit waffly yet I knew without a doubt that although my career was flying high, I wanted to go down the path that was unknown yet held God's promises and blessings all the same. I have no doubt that there are going to be hard times but being in the unknown just makes us lean on God more and on our own strength less. God himself says that His power is made perfect in our weakness. I want to give him license to move in my life and want others to know his power, his grace and his love.

I'm no Bible scholar - I'm still trying to get a handle on the big book and read it from cover-to-cover!! I know that God is real though and I can't wait to see what he's going to do in my life. Come back, enjoy a laugh with me from time to time (if you get my sense of humour at all!!) and I'll be sure to tell you how God moves in my life and the lives around me.

Roll on 2005 .... I wanna see what's around the next corner! ... now back to my boxes - how does one manage to accumulate so much rubbish in such a short space of time?!!