Friday, March 31, 2006

All Fired Up!

I have about 15mins before I need to leave for dinner but these random thoughts just sometimes don't stop!!

Just a quick word, more than a thought right at this precise moment, but to all those working in the Army at present and/or just for God in general (wait - isn't that all of us!), I know it's easy to feel like a one-man-band at times.

I just wanted to encourage you to check out the Sally Bloggers webring as there are some great sites hidden in there of others battling, serving the cause as best as they can and just recording their thoughts and ramblings along the way (including our very own Lucy AitkenRead who will always give you food-for-thought!). We're so not alone in our dreams for the Army - our willingness to see God move, souls saved, poverty eradicated and just plain old mission actually happening again!

It's not about being mad about The Salvation Army and it's not about being mad at the Army - although I must admit somtimes I'm both mad about the Army and it's original mission focus and other times I'm mad at the Army itself!

I don't know about you but at the heart of it all and for me right here and now, I think it's about listening to God, going where He wants us to go and doing what He wants us to do - no matter what the cost. Easy to say... hard to do. Just be encouraged that you're not alone in whatever it is you do for God.

So don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

How Rich Am I?!

I woke up to a brand new day today. Lucky me!

It’s no secret that I’m kinda ready to get back home. Out-training does have the feel of an extended working holiday (of sorts!) and with that goes the feel of living out of a suitcase – for me anyway! I’m ready to get back to what I know as being home (my own bed, the rest of my wardrobe and living amongst all of my own things!) and so the last few days are a little hard not to count down… well, until today that is. I woke up, after only a few hours sleep and hit the ground running – literally!

Again, don’t all die of shock, but I ended up at the gym with a friend and the blessings just went from there and so many were they, that I challenge you to stop and take inventory of your own – particularly if you need something to brighten your day!

It hit me that I am so very rich in more ways than just money – and in case you’re wondering, I don’t actually have much of that (!!) but what I do have more than meets my needs!

My top five blessings? Well…

One of the girls I’ve had the privilege of meeting and sharing a little with, as part of the Street Outreach Service, has come off the street. She’s now living in our halfway house and attending a programme at Employment Plus.

After acknowledging, yet again (!!), that a gym membership is just out of the budget for now and steeling myself for another offer that would be well beyond my finances, I got 10 free visits to the best gym in Christchurch (complete with great views right by the treadmills!) all for the price of an Easter egg – go figure! It’s not often a gym says, “Bring us an easter egg and we’ll give you 10 free visits!”

I got to plan my own day today. So, I decided that spending time just chatting with new friends that I’ve made in Christchurch was essential and I ended up being encouraged by them way more than they will ever know!

I got the chance to go to the beach today… in fact, my favourite beach down by the pier in New Brighton. I love being near water – it just re-energises me.

Just as my old tramping shoes were giving out on me, I managed to pick up a new pair on special – down from $200 to $60… now that’s what I call successful shopping!

Not overly exciting to anyone not living my life but it was enough for me to lift my eyes up out of what I don’t have and how I can’t live and instead, appreciate what is around me, the people that are here in a life that I need to live for just a little bit longer.

And your top 5 would be…?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Muppet?!!

Well... I set out tonight to be inspired and encouraged. You know how it is - as life goes on, we come across different variations of our name but most of them are the same. This, however, was highly over-rated!!

After being inspired by Andi's result (andi: adjective - visually addictive), I followed the link and ended up with this...

Karen --

A real life muppet

A real life muppet?! ...hmmm, yeah - like I said, a highly over-rated moment!! If you are defined as more than a muppet, you'll have to let me know!!

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

English Paste

Oh my goodness! I went out for a walk today (don't all die of shock!!), and had a bit of a rude awakening.

After exerting myself for a good 40 minutes, give or take, I returned in company with my fellow walkers to the carpark where most of us took off a layer or two to help cool down before moving on to a cafe to celebrate our efforts and I just about ran for cover!! My Summer tan has up and left me! It has gone and I mean gone! So far gone that I don't remember being this white in years and even then, I wasn't this funny kind of pasty white.

I now know what it feels like to be English! I am suddenly the epitomy of pasty and it's just... bizarre! Now's your opportunity to tell me you're all in the same boat (excluding the Collings family who have been on the East Coast of the North Island since January and will put us all to shame come our return to College after Easter!!).

...and for the 2nd and final time, is there no-one out there who is going to help me with my readings??! Come on! Only 200 pages and a brief synopsis is all I require!... You might be pleased to know that in fine (and very typical) Karen form, I am currently part way through 9 books - 3 course related (snore!) - and 2 booklets of readings. Oh man! *sigh* ...finishing 4 books was just NEVER going to happen! May my lecturers have mercy on me!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Honda - schmonda!

When it comes to driving cars I’ll never afford, I think I’m doing ok!

In the last year and a bit, I’ve managed to drive my cousin's Holden Club Sport (that’s about all I know about that one as I would much prefer a Ford Falcon… if I ever had the choice that is!), I’ve driven one of the new Dodge Rams (a red one – kind of like driving a tank but super smooth and just dead cool – let’s face it!) and then, just this weekend past, my lazy Sunday was wonderfully interrupted.

I went out for coffee with a friend (and on the way discovered another great café hidden in this sleepy little hollow!)… and there began my latest ‘ride’! It just so happened that my friend drives an almost brand new Mini Cooper – a little grey one to be precise – and she let me get behind the wheel!

Oh man! It was enough to make you weep – seriously! The interior was just so cool… all black and racey and for just a moment, this brunette became the incredible, blond Charlize Theron and the crazy driving of The Italian Job flashed through my mind. Of course, reality set in before I went racing over tram lines and through Cathedral Square and I kept to the speed limit but man was it great fun!

I remember growing up and hearing my Dad comment (after my request of a pink Nifty 50 like all the really cool College girls had!) that there were two things I would never be allowed to drive – one was a motorbike and the other was a mini! …I reckon he might change his mind if he rode in one of these!

Well, considering Lotto is out of the question (!!) I'm left with my little red Honda... which I love truly... truly... *sigh!*

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I don't know about you but I LOVE surprises!

Yesterday I picked up a film I had developed and whenever I open another lot of photos, I'm always holding my breath to see whether any of them are any good. This one was a nice surprise!

It's one of the most beautiful places in Christchurch - despite the fact that it will blow your hair back to say the least! Even the seagulls hang on for dear life if they risk a rest on the railings!

There's a library with a glass window which faces the pier - it's just awesome... peaceful, serene and not a bad perch on my day off! Hope you enjoy it too and if it makes any of you want to visit, remember there are four bedrooms here to choose from!!

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Photo #11

A change is as good as a holiday for some people - for me, I get rejuvenated simply from a good photo...weird huh?!

Marina, this one is for you! You have two beautiful children who can always make me smile! Thank you for your love, support and prayers - not to mention the most comfortable uniform I've ever had to wear and that more than one or two are envious of!

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Freedom to Choose

Hmmmm... grace, mercy, humility.

Don't you hate it when you know you possess very little of each of these! What's even worse is when you realise that it's really only your pride that stops you from offering the little you do posses a lot more readily!

I've realised a few things of late...

Firstly, I have a lot of head knowledge but not a great deal of experience. It's one thing to know that you need to follow a biblical principle, it's another thing to actually have followed it!

Secondly, I get the feeling God wants me to live out a bit more of my head knowledge in my everyday life so He's provided an opportunity to walk-the-walk and talk-the-talk.

Thirdly, despite how painful aspects of the situation might be, I still have a choice...

Fourthly, there are promises to cling to when we opt in:
Isaiah 57:15
..."I live in that high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I refresh the humble and give new courage to those with repentant hearts..."

Isaiah 66:2
..."I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word..."

Joshua 1:5, 9
I will not fail you or abandon you... I command you—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

What have I chosen?... *sigh* ... Yes. Not an easy option for someone who prefers to speak her mind nine times out of ten!! The challenge - despite the obvious one of actually doing it! - is not to let my humour come to the fore! I don't want to act the right response in tough situations and be thinking another (!!), I want to mean it.

You may well ask, have I found my sense of humour again? - yes! It's just had to go on a leash for the time being!

By the way, any one want to read a book (or two!) for me? Just the first 200 pages is all I require - well, that and a brief synopsis! Any takers??... Come on! Be nice! You all know I have at least 10 books on the go at once, that I won't finish most of them and that there are at least another 20 on my bookshelf that I've yet to read! Four books on my out training was just never really going to happen...!