Friday, November 09, 2007

Red Hot

Dear 'Anonymous' (aka 'too-chicken-to-leave-a-name'!!),

Regarding the post below, if you are referring to these...

...I would have to say I much preferred these!

Although at least our MC (some cagey guy from Blenheim hiding behind those other shoes!) waited until the reception to break the colour theme of the day...wise man!

Your sister in Christ

Mrs Baker

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

In a sleepy little town called Nelson...

...on the 20th October 2007, I donned some pretty cool shoes and...

...well, I walked down the aisle to the man of my dreams! Oh, sappy I know but it felt like a fairytale - it really did! From start to finish, the day was fantastic - everything went off without a hitch and, even though we're both back at work, we're still living the high which is great!

There are just so many photos to choose from I really couldn't narrow it down so, check out the photo blog over the next couple of days and I'll keep adding, and adding, and adding!!

In the meantime, here's a little something to keep you going!

Thanks to all those who shared in our day whether in thought or actually with us at Nelson - you all made the day that much more special!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Whizbang Weekends

Wow! - I've had a pretty packed weekend just gone by.

Shaun was over and our time started with dinner on Friday night with friends straight after picking Shaun up from the ferry. We spent the night at a cute little Italian restaurant right in the middle of town - it was a such a good time of catching up. Livi & Bronwyn are great friends for us here in Wellington!

Saturday started with a photo-shoot of sorts they are for a surprise wedding present we know nothing about other than it requires some pretty specific shots from us... made for an interesting photo shoot at times - tempting to share those photos... but I won't!! Then we rushed to a Tupperware party where I ooo'd and aaaah'd with some friends over the latest kitchenware and decked out our pantry with a few plastic containers (only those that truly know me will know how soothing that afternoon was!).

From there, we raced back into town and went to the rugby (Tasman Makos vs Wellington) and caught the second half. Then... (yes there's more!)... we had a light dinner at Roxy's cafe in town again and went to see the Bourne Ultimatum and I LOVED it! I did get a bit of motion sickness with all the fast action shots, but it's awesome! If you liked the first two - this will just complete it all!

Sunday went by at a rate of knots as well! We had the service at Kilbirnie in the morning, then went for a drive around the peninsula and stopped at The Chocolate Fish Cafe briefly for ice-cream, wound our way back to Elements for another stop (it was Hot Chocolate time by then because it was so windy and cold!) and then, after dinner... here's the big thing... we went to the Ten Tenors and it was FANTASTIC!!

I just love tenor voices - Andrea Bocelli being my favourite - and this was like listening to 10 of him! They had a whole stage show which took you through the ages of music from some of the great classical songs to Cheek to Cheek to Rock'n'Roll and Swing numbers - even Hotel California and some modern day songs. And, of course, their encore finished with Nessun Dorma - just brilliant! It was a surprise for me from Shaun - this is where you all sigh! - not bad huh?! I'm thinking I'll keep him!

By Monday, all I had ringing in my ears was Nessun Dorma...ALL DAY!

Signs, Sponges and the Word

Ok... so I'm getting jibes about not writing for ages - again! I thought you might enjoy this then - just a little something I had to write for the Division:

Hanging Up Signs, Wringing Out Sponges and the Word

I’ve been bombarded by analogies and illustrations of late and to say that they have left me challenged would probably be an understatement of sorts so let me share!

I wish I could sit here and describe a typical ‘day-in-the-life’ of a Corps Officer or a Social Officer but, alas, that is not yet my privilege! I can however, describe an all-too-familiar day from my desk at DHQ. The emails roll in, the days just seem to disappear, the ‘interruptions’ are a plenty and the to-do list grows – candidates need ‘processing’ (horrible word that!) and as one event fades into the distance, the next grows, looming ominously around the corner…and the tendency to hang up the ‘DO NOT DISTURB’ sign is tempting to say the least!

It wasn’t until someone said, “You’re just way too busy to stop for me,” that the penny really dropped. I realised that it is all too easy to hang up the ‘DO NOT DISTURB’ sign, whether we mean to or not, and I NEVER wanted to become the type of officer that did that!…Challenge Number One!

Then there’s my kitchen tap at home. It drips. Constantly. Relentlessly. And believe it or not, there’s just no solution! As I’m the type who can’t drive peacefully if my keys are rattling in the ignition, you can understand how a dripping kitchen tap in the quiet of the night nearly sends me over the edge!!

How did I get challenged from a dripping tap you ask? Well, my life-saving answer to the dripping tap is the kitchen sponge - it acts as my silencer and absorbs all the drips but then something else happens. It gets so full that it can’t absorb another drop and then it just seeps into the sink.

When we receive spiritual food week after week, month after month, year after year, we can become like the sponge. We can absorb so much that we can’t take anything else in… unless we start giving something out. And that got me thinking – when was the last time I wrung out my sponge – even just a little? Am I giving out or just constantly wanting to receive and be fed?…Challenge Number Two!

And then there’s the Word. How many miracles happened when Jesus was ‘interrupted’? How often are we encouraged to do things for others? Here’s what has been playing over and over in my mind since Livefire...

Matthew 25:34-36, 40 (NIV)
"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' …'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

…Challenge Number Three!

If there’s a sign up in your life what would it read? If your life was a sponge how full would it be? Is it time to soak up some more or is it time to be wrung out? Wherever you are in your week – flat-out busy, humming along nicely, burdened or energised by your people, may God’s Word refresh you as it has me and continue to encourage and equip you for the journey ahead.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

8 Random Things About Me!

Well, it's going around - I've been tagged! It's all over the blogging world and now it's my turn so here goes for 8 Random Things About Me...
  1. My nickname when driving is RANDOM - a hard-earned name I have to confess. It comes from several near misses while, as any good woman can do, I would change my mind while driving and give what some might call, a faulty degree of indication! Can I say, not one accident has aspired as a result of my random driving skills!
  2. I was born in a hospital that is now a retirement home... the joke amongst friends is that I can return there one day! If only it wasn't in Wellington!!
  3. Once upon a time, I was in the Sea Cadet Corps where I gathered a few sailing and rowing certificates (despite my shocking ability to control a crew of 8 and a fear of deep water... go figure!). What it did earn me was a day trip on the frigate HMNZS Wellington which has now been blown up and sunk to become a reef off the coast of NZ somewhere up North. However, if you want to tie a knot, I'm your gal!!
  4. Back when I was 5, I wore my sisters clogs outside on the footpath, tripped over (after a slight jog to get inside before she found out most likely!) and gouged my knees so badly, I still have the scars to prove it.
  5. Don't ever antagonise me by saying, 'Na na na-na na...' over and over because I'm likely to bite you. Just ask my sister - she has the scar to prove it!
  6. I've become like David Noakes!!... I carry a notebook with me everywhere I go, writing things down just in case I forget! FYI: Major David Noakes, ex Training College Lecturer, always found with notebook in back pocket, equipped to cope with any sudden onslaught of details/facts/reminders!
  7. I hate doing the dishes!
  8. I have two fetishes known to me (goodness only knows how many I haven't acknowledged yet!!). Bags and Plastic Containers...who would have thought eh??!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Well!... Have you heard the news?!

I have had a FANTASTIC weekend – Shaun and I are engaged!

We have had a pretty whirlwind romance when I look back but there’s one thing that has been key – God has been in it from the start and who better to play matchmaker eh?!!

What more can I say except that, even though I might be a little biased, I think I have the catch of the century!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Assessment Weekend

I know Sammy is going to kill me for putting this photo up (centre left in case you were wondering!!) but it was the best one of an unruly bunch!!

Shaun’s assessment weekend was in the middle of June and they all had a great time. They were grilled with interviews all day Saturday and had a couple of written assignments as well as group tasks to try and squeeze in but this photo was taken Sunday morning when all the pressure was off and things were over apart from the morning meeting at Upper Hutt Corps and lunch pretty much!

They had a fantastic time of bonding and, with the results now in (!!), all five made the cut and have been accepted as part of the ‘Prayer Warriors’ session of 2008/9.
Yee haa!! ... is about all I have to say about that!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Seals Galore!

Queen’s Birthday weekend was a pretty good break. Shaun gave his first sermon ever at Blenheim corps – he did an awesome job preaching on God’s Love for us and how the effect of that should both look and play itself out in our lives – good listening skills eh?!! We caught up with Zane and Karen for dinner as well and then watched the rugby altogether back at home with Conway & Kath as well.

Monday we spent driving to Kaikoura which was just great because there’s a little waterfall that takes about 5 minutes to walk to, just off the side of the road along the coastline where you can stop and have a look at all the seals. At the right time though, apparently between April and June, the baby seals come all the way up this little river to the waterfall and just frolic about – it’s a fantastic sight but one you need a local to let you in on!

We drove there (stopping at that fantastic little café at Kekerengu on the way of course!) especially hoping to see the seals and there must have been close to 20 of them there – it was just great! Shaun, mad as a mad-hatter, stripped off to the knee and sat in the FREEZING cold water for a good 10-15mins patting the water getting the seals to come up and ‘say hello’ (how else to you describe their antics!!).

It was an amazing sight to see – if you touched them they could well do you an injury but if you were patient enough and let them come up to you, they were amazing little playmates for a bit! It was a freezing cold day but just so much fun – a bit hard to get any good photos without a tripod simply because of the lack of light but worth the drive all the same!

After fish’n’chips with Ma and Pa Baker it was back on a ferry for me…

Sunday, May 13, 2007


I managed to sneak up to Auckland for Mother’s Day weekend and spend some long overdue time with my new nephew. Talk about the easiest baby in the world to look after! We had a fantastic time together. Shaun came up from Blenheim as well and we spent Saturday looking after Tristan and catching up with people.
That's Lorinda (his mummy!) holding him...she has a fantastic way with children and now we can say... especially her own! He's a superb little boy in every way!

I got to catch up with Rach over the weekend. She and I had coffee in Mt Eden - yay for Auckland cafes!! She’s expecting her first baby in July so it was great to just sit back and watch her with Tristan – she’s a natural if ever I saw one!! Tristan didn’t squawk or fuss the whole time and we were there for a good couple of hours!

After that we headed to town to catch up with Shaun’s cousin Paul – and of course, it wouldn’t be a visit home unless I had my Borders fix along the way! The whole time Tristan just ate and slept, ate and slept – content as anything!

Wes and Lorinda got a whole day/night together in the process and it was so good to be able to do that for them. We ended up at Siobhan and Andrew’s for the evening with Tristan still just sleeping and eating, had dinner then watched episodes of ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ (fast becoming a favourite that one!!). Siobhan and Andrew love babies so that bathed Tristan and got him ready for bed – I seriously had the easiest day with a 3 month old that anyone could have had I think!

Bern came round on Sunday for lunch and even though we missed mum who was away in the Bay of Islands for the weekend, we had a good catch up. We were all vying for smiles out of Tristan but Dad beat us all hands down with this photo! I just got the ‘I’m seriously unimpressed with my auntie’ photo as all my smiles were away from the camera….truly!! They were just for me that’s all!

I miss my little nephew as he just seems to be growing up so fast but it won’t be too long till I get to seem again soon hopefully!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Back in April (I know how slack I’ve been at blogging lately!!), Shaun and I went to Melbourne for a quick holiday. We had an awesome time despite how quick the trip felt. I got to meet his younger brother Kurt and Kurt’s children Scott and Jessica – they were fantastic! We went out on a few day trips together and spent some good time just getting to know each other. They are great kids and Kurt has a great sense of humour which I really enjoyed.

We had a sneak peak in the Salvation Army Trade store but didn’t buy too much – it was in a gorgeous little suburb not too far from the city though… I would have lived there in a heartbeat! The streets were narrow and lined with great big trees over hanging the roads – you can just imagine the colours seeing as we were coming towards the end of summer and heading into Autumn as well! Cute little old houses most of which had been done up… *sigh*…beautiful – and of course a couple of great cafes in a nice little corner block of shops right in the middle of it all – fantastic I say!!

After some pretty hairy negotiating of the map, anyone who’s tried to drive Melbourne will sympathise I’m sure (!!), we stumbled across the Crocs shop (and couldn’t resist a purchase!!) then I introduced Shaun to the big, wide world of IKEA…it left even him speechless! By the end of the tour of the showroom however, he was fading, so after a few quick purchases we made for a Dressmart kind of shopping complex then home. Surprisingly, we didn’t actually spend that much money or buy that much but it was fun just to wonder and window shop – or it was for me at least!!

My trade-off, however, was the tour of the MCG – Shaun was like a boy in a toy store! It was pretty impressive actually, especially to learn that the biggest crowd ever was for a Billy Graham visit and that, not only had our guide been there for it, he had also been a counsellor on the night and was a retired minister! - we had great chats along the halls of the MCG! Another person in our group had also been there on the night… small world!! We went through all the rooms where the commentators sit and every chair was sat in (hence the photo!) – including the plush leather never-will-be-able-to-afford-these-seats chairs as well!

ANZAC Day was pretty special as we went to a classic AFL clash between Essendon and Collingwood at the MCG. Having a crowd of nearly 90,000 stand for 1min silence was pretty cool…despite the cellphone that went off just behind us! Shaun is a long time Essendon supporter but we won’t mention the score on the day…!

Kurt and the kids are coming over again in October so we’re looking forward to some more time there with them. It’ll be good to see them. I met some of the other family members – the infamous Aunty Liz and Uncle Ian, Michael and Donna and their children too. We got stuck in traffic trying to get to their house for dinner so it was a bit of a whirlwind visit but still good to put faces to names.

And that…was Melbourne!

Friday, April 20, 2007

A Woman's Worst Nightmare

I thought you might all appreciate a giggle at my expense...

I was in the bathroom this afternoon and, after washing my hands I looked up into the mirror to see what disheveled state I might find myself in. On being pleasantly surprised (ie - it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be) I decided to check out the rest of my appearance and, as every woman has to admit to doing, I asked myself the age old question 'does my backside looked big in this' or not... again, I was pleasantly surprised - the trousers were ok as far as I could see!!

You would have thought I left the bathroom on at least a small cloud 9 wouldn't you? Well I almost did but the rather embarrassing side to my story was that as I turned around to check out my 'appearance', my backside - despite how good it may have looked in the trousers - was big enough to start the hand dryer... all on its own!!

Absolutely and utterly.... shattering!! :-)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Camp

Wow!! ...What an amazing weekend I've had with the youth of the Central Division!!

I have to confess that I started this weekend a little nervous as to exactly how all of this was going to come together - despite hours of planning with my team!! - but God came through and moved sooooo powerfully that I've just been blown away with how great this weekend was!

We started the weekend on Friday night just with a bit of fun, some games and then just a time of chilling out and getting to know one another (and a movie!).

On Saturday, Peter Whaanga, our speaker for the weekend turned up and shared the first half of his testimony and I think more than a few were shocked at his life story. We broke into small groups before lunch and then came back with our questions for Peter afterwards. It was a session that went longer than we expected as the youth kept wanting to know why he's so different now... funnily enough, we weren't letting Peter tell them why - we wanted to hold off the change in his life until Sunday night. Ever dangled the salvation carrot before with a captive audience for a weekend? It's powerful!!

Our theme has basically been how our choices affect our lives and how Christ brings FREEDOM so Saturday night was 'The Love Connection'... all about how quick choices/shallow choices can affect our lives but if we bring God into every choice then life takes on a whole new meaning. A bit of fun in the name of 'love'! ...a few interesting outfits but hey - there's always some who go the extra mile!!

Sunday morning was 'The Journey'... we woke them up at 4am (150 evil looks came my way!!), gave them milo then piled them all onto a bus (and a whole heap of Army vans - looked a hard case convoy down the motorway!!) and took them to Owhiro Bay. There, Sammy and Brent had arranged for a cross to be set up with glowsticks on the hill...we had to walk about 12-15mins to get to it. Liam, Nickee and Brent played and sung The Old Rugged Cross, then Brent spoke about the journey to the cross for Christ and Sammy spoke about the resurrection... wow! Powerful moments! We all grabbed a glowstick and then made the walk back. The weather held of perfectly - rained on the way home!

After letting them sleep and recover (a bit!), the morning session was a reminder that we can not only be prisoners because of how we're living and our choices but that we can also be prisoners in our minds by listening to Satan's lies. FREEDOM comes from Christ and He can bring FREEDOM in so many different ways!

Sunday night was incredible. Peter Whaanga came back and our youth were hungry for answers! He told why He is such a different man today - because of Christ - and then after sharing his conversion, the invitation was open and there weren't too many left in their seats. Decisions for Christ were made (Praise God!!) and a huge number of youth came seeking - seeking FREEDOM, seeking a closer relationship with Christ, repenting and getting things right - a move to live His FREEDOM better!

Monday was encouragement to take the FREEDOM they received from God on Sunday night back into their home settings - basically back into life with them. It was a reminder that this week was probably going to bring more challenges than they may have thought last night but not to forget that they will be victorious if they invite Christ into every decision, every choice and not deny Him or the work He did in their lives over the Easter weekend.

We closed the weekend with a testimony time - a time of telling others what God had done in our lives over the weekend. This was really good to see so many different people sharing. Lastly, our youth leaders stood up with their young people and they shared how God has challenged and grown them.

I LOVE being in this division with this bunch of youth. The leaders I had over the weekend were an amazing support to me and I learnt SO much from just watching them. The youth challenge me and make me want to get closer to God...weird huh?! - especially when thats one of the main things a DY probably wants for their youth! I hope that they feel that challenge as well.

...I'm just blown away by how things went this weekend. I had sooo much fun! I'm so tired I think it'll take another day to recover but it was ALL worth it! My team, you were AWESOME! To Eugene (aka Shaun) thankyou for being there over such an important time for me - you were an AMAZING support in ways that no-one else would have known. Thank you Lord, for showing up and having your way with our young people!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Gift of Prophecy

I had a pretty cool night last night.

Something happened that I have never before seen in my life - but so you can really enter into the mood (or as Rob Harley would say - so I can really hang a picture in the gallery of your mind!!) I need to give you a little background info...bear with my ramblings for a second if you can!

I don't know about you but everytime I've been in a church setting where there has been anything vaguely resembling the use of the gift of prophecy, I seemed to have missed out! I was always out of the room helping with something (or in the loo!!) - just not one of the ones who received a prophecy so I never, and I mean NEVER, have had anyone prophesy over me... or even near me for that matter!!

You'll all be pleased to know that I made it through this stage of life unscathed - the wound I thought was there I've discovered is not and I've moved on!!

Last night however, all this changed...

Shaun and I were sitting at the rugby - yes in the 'cake tin' (Hurricanes vs Bulls) - and I say sitting as the game was not exactly at a nail-biting moment until all of a sudden, the Bulls were nudging dangerously close to the touch line (right where we were sitting!). So as we both contort facial expressions that translate to 'please don't let them score' (!!) and we watch the Hurricanes keep the Bulls back, I hear a voice to my right...

Shaun ever so casually leans my way and says (among other things), "...and number 14 is gonna score the next try!" I looked back at him and smiled one of those, 'Yep! Of course! Anything you say!' kind of smiles - you know, the type where you don't want to go anywhere near that 'I'm fully taking a chance but "I know my rugby" ' kind of look!! - and next thing I know, and I seriously mean within 60 seconds, after a scrum inside the 22 (or lineout - can't remember which!), all of a sudden the Hurricanes break free and are running hardout down the field. Before we know it, a pretty slick pass makes its way to Hosea Gear and guess who scores right in the corner? None other than number 14! (and you'll be pleased to know, here ends my attempt at any more rugby jargon!!)

I'm not sure who was more shocked, the Bulls fans or us!! We jumped up and down with the rest of the crowd and then, what actually just happened, hit us!!... and I must say, I sat back down with a bit of a grin!

I may have missed every opportunity of prophecy for the past 30years but after Shaun's efforts last night, I don't think I have any complaints - I have my very own, walking, talking, prophet!

....well that's if one try scoring prediction counts! - I mean really...let's not get into the gift definition war tonight because if it doesn't count, I'm not sure who'd be more disappointed - me or Shaun! Let's let it count eh?!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Work Schmerk!

I've had a revelation of late - don't all fall off your chairs on my behalf but I've realised that there is more to life than work!!

It's taken me a while to settle into a routine of just life in general this year - I've either played too hard at times or worked too hard and I just can't seem to find the happy medium!! My first appointment has meant moving house, change of social circle, new job... I say job and yet I still haven't nutted through the whole ministry - 24-7 Officer - job 'thing' yet.

I've always known that I was good at admin but I've come to the realisation that I'm absolutely SHOCKING at time management!! Not a bad revelation for 30years of getting to know myself huh?! When there are what feels like 50billion things on the to-do list, I have a shocking habit of choosing the most fun task in the pile and doing it to an excellent standard. If the job looks tricky or I just don't really want to do it right now, then I don't - until the stress levels build to ridiculous levels and I finally realise I need to do something about it all.

Well, this weekend I had two whole days off - in preparation of the Easter Camp wind up! I left my laptop behind and every work document I had brought home with me just-in-case I wanted to do a little catching up (when will I learn!!). Over these two days, with a little throwing of ideas around and sounding off with Shaun, Marcus and Jenny, I've managed to come back to my appointment today with a fresh outlook on things.

  1. I need to spend time on the not-so-nice jobs because once you're into them, they really don't take that long and they're really not so bad!
  2. I need to work smarter and not harder and manage my hours of work a little better.
  3. I need to remember I am one person and not two!
  4. I need to work at getting balance back into life.

Between some pretty special people who have provided some very sound advice, and Hudson's playdough hamburgers and photo-savvy moments, I think I'm ready to face life again!

PS - check out the photo blog for the first of the brag files... my nephew is pretty cute!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Aunty Karen!!

Where the heck has February gone??? I'm sooo tired I should be heading to bed but this just couldn't wait...


Tristan Oliver Frank, first grandson of the Frank's (nice work LJ!), first grandchild of the Hill whanau, arrived at 8.30am this morning weighing in at 8lbs. As only my sister could describe: "...eye-wateringly good eh?!"

I'll stop promising anything... blogs or photos but I know that one will end up here as soon as mum sends it as I just won't be able to help bragging. All I know from home is that he doesn't look overbaked (apparently some babies do - he was 2 weeks overdue you see!), he has a black head of hair and gorgeous skin! family crack me up!!

Poppa and Gran are both as excited as each other and this Aunty can't wait for a trip to Auckland - hopefully sometime soon!


Friday, February 02, 2007


Just when you thought I'd disappeared completely... I'm back!!

I'm relaxed, well-rested and currently a very happy lass... and here's the photo to prove it!!
To all my faithful followers, my apologies it has been so long but life has just happened around me for the last - almost 2 months!! Where has January gone?!

So, the update since December? Well, life is amazingly busy but great. I had an awesome holiday down south pretty much going from seafood meal to seafood meal with Shaun and his family as they encouraged this maori girl to rediscover her Ngai Tahu roots! Since December I've tried fresh crayfish (several times... yum!), paua fritters, prawns, kina, mussel fritters and scallops wrapped in bacon and fried in garlic butter (a bit of a favourite that one!). About half way through my holiday, my "system" (!!) felt the effects of my seafood binge and I had to revert to european solids for a few days but was back on the mussels after a trip to the Nelson markets one weekend!

I haven't had a swim in the ocean this season but I did get to snorkel (kind of!) when I went for a swim at Pelorus on the way back from Nelson. It was freezing but great fun!

I've had some interesting moments in my new job... some blond moments and some great laughs already. I've learnt how to get out of the carpark after hours (I may have had to ring the previous DY but I got out eventually!!), I've had my desk 'done over' by a few eager youth leaders (who shall remain nameless!) - and I actually think I got off quite lightly but don't tell them that!! ...and I've discovered yet again, that no matter how much I do there's still more to be done!

I've heard from my session mates... I think we all want to poke out our tongues at the Newmans and the weather they are enjoying (tough life in that air-conditioned office isn't it Doug?!). My home corps (Kilbirnie) is great - I'm looking forward to journeying the next little while with them and other than the occasional bout of windburn (oh that it would be sunburn!!) I'm readjusting to all that Wellington has to offer!!

I've found my Saturday morning cafe down in the heart of Kilbirnie, I have a few Saturday trips I want to go on to discover the different communities at my feet and I'm getting used to life as a fully-fledged, real-life officer! I'm challenged by the youth in this division - they are an awesome bunch who have a lot to offer and who are screaming both with talents and with their voices pretty much saying "use us Lord!!" - I think more exciting times are ahead! They certainly aren't lacking in ideas or passion - not a bad place to start huh?!

I'll put a few photos up from the last couple of months on the photo blog shortly. Parachute was a great weekend - my favourites were definitely Shawn McDonald (if you haven't got his albums BUY THEM!!), Third Day and Dave Dobbyn (even though I piked because of the rain!!).

Hope to be able to blog photos of my first niece or nephew next time! *the Kaz* will have to take a back seat to Aunty Karen until I've exhausted it!! :-)