Sunday, August 07, 2005

Photo #7

The tenacious 2 and a half year old... isn't he just gorgeous!

His imaginative play just cracks me up. Yesterday, while Marcus and Jen had a break, Hudson and I headed off to the playground where he proceeded to jump from a great height (off the seat of the bbq table at the playground) into his 'pool' (a pool of bark chips that would be!).

At one point, he jumped off then suddenly turned to me, eyes wide, and gasped:

"Karen!... I need my goggles! You wait right here (his little finger points to my seat) and I'll go home and get them!"

...I just couldn't argue with that so after laughing we decided we should both go and get his goggles!

Hudson would have to be a sure cure for those long, intense days!
... Gotta love 'em! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Truly Lazy-Hazy Day

Today was a scorcher in the Hutt!... no seriously! It was!... as long as you weren't in the shade that is!

Life around campus was just great today. After sleeping very nearly half of the day away, I managed to come to the surface about 11am and venture outside to hang out some washing and oh... beautiful! Wished you were all here with me!

I took my morning cup of tea, ambled on over to Jen's, went to the playground with Hudson - who proceeded to tell me what to do when and where... the power of a 2 and a half year old! Sometime after lunch we all gathered on the field by the playground to watch Nicky and Ralph's efforts to launch Luke's rocket - a birthday present for a 4 year old that took more than a few attempts I might add! Who would have thought mixing vinegar and baking soda was really that hard! *Nicky cries: "It reeeeally was!" from beside me* To say they provided the afternoon's entertainment would be somewhat..... fact!

The car cleaning bug was contagious from Nigel to Christine to me to Ralph... our carport out the back looks pretty impressive about now - and under the carport they shall stay as we've had more than a few icy frosts of late! I think everyone has caught up on washing as everything just seemed to dry in an instant but, needless to say, no work was completed other than Marcus... *geek*... the rest of us just sat around in between little jobs and made a decent attempt at baking in the sun!

Well, in a few weeks time we'll all be frantically studying in the library till late ... Marcus will, however, be wandering around looking for a table tennis partner!

Procrastination never pays - except when everyone else joins in!