Saturday, September 29, 2018

Spring Dreaming

We're only hours away from 'daylight savings' - what better time to muse! As we prepare to push those clocks foward, the fatigue within me from parenting our young three screams, "Are you SERIOUS???!!!"....and yet, it will happen, with or without me!

Image result for Cherry blossom spring
Spring, despite being in September for us, has such a fresh feel to it. New beginnings are all around - it's almost like we get a second chance at our New Year's resolutions! There's cherry blossoms everywhere, people are trading their full-length active wear for slightly shorter versions, sunglasses are almost essential and BBQs everywhere are nearing their annual scrub down and prep.

Like everyone else, I'm breathing a little more deeply every time I'm out in the fresh air, taking in the changes of the season. And I can definitely feel, perhaps like everyone else as well, there's a sense of something new happening all around.

Problem is, I am terrible at starting and not finishing! I have more than a few crafts still awaiting that final sprint to the finish line. On average, I have about 12 books on the go and, unless it's a novel, I very rarely read from cover to cover! I dip and dive, take an idea here, a thought there...and however long I spend with whatever I'm choosing to focus on, it's just long enough to birth or rebirth another venture with gusto.

Fortunately for those I work with, I've learnt how to meld that natural desire of mine into my work so that I don't go starting multiple projects that never get finished! I fear I am still guilty of not finishing or following through on a fair few though...sometimes there are just not enough hours in my days!

This year, what I feel I want to begin is actually something I want to finish...ironically! Years ago, and I really am old enough to say that with clout, I discovered things I loved. Photography, reading, writing, creating, crafting...the list could really go on. With all that life brings though, it is just so easy for the things we love to fade into the background and, as I say that, it is not without a deep love and appreciation for the foreground. With life and love comes choice and a laying down of some things in order to pick others up. It has meant the most amazing of memories have been created but it has also meant that some of me has been squished to the edges. This Spring, it's time for the edges to thicken a little, and I do not mean my waistline!

I'm looking forward to smiling more, that just happens at this time of year as we start the build up to Christmas. I'm looking forward to starting more (personally not professionally!), and with that perhaps finishing a little! And I'm looking forward to where starting and finishing will lead me with 2019 just around the corner.

For now, this is as good a start as I can manage and I'll pay for how late I've stayed up to start but start I have. For you, what dreams float around the edges of your life? Which ones are ready to meld into who you are today and where do you find yourself this Spring? Muse away but be warned - you really do not have as many hours in today as you did yesterday! Don't forget to put your clocks forward tonight!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Gap Filling

It would seem I need to fill the gap between 2010 and 2018! Let's just say, we've grown considerably as a family - these are our bunnies and life with them is pretty, freakin awesome!