Saturday, February 18, 2006

Art, Coffee & FMs

I think it's absolutely appalling when people cannot appreciate art for art's sake and when they even go so far as to feel that they need to add to it almost as if to fix it somehow?? - It's outrageous!! It just breaks my heart... in fact no, to be more precise, Ivanka and Andi...*sigh*... you both just disappoint me - you have left me... speechless - momentarily!

I started out on a hunt for a very cool shot of a latte that I took sometime last year in order to explain a nickname that has grown out of my obsession with both coffee and languages. This photo has nothing to do with that (as I'm sure you can see!) but hey... who cares!

It seems that one cannot have the blood of our warrior ancestors, a love of the romantic languages and a fetish for good coffee and still be considered a true-blue 'bro'... so apparently, I have crossed yet another boundary (been doing that a lot lately!!) - I have moved to the darker side and have been dubbed a Flash Maori!!

I... actually I... I... just feel so... so... moved by the privilege - nay, the honour - to be considered so highly esteemed among my... bros. To quote one of NZ's 'brainiest children' - I just feel completely enamoured!

Ciao tutti! Posted by Picasa


CheekyUkie said...

Haha I think recently I've starting turning into a 'Flash Maori' also because of my love for anything with chai in it yummmmmmmmm... so much so I've become a regular at the local McCafe across from work for their chai latte's haha, long live the FLASH MAORIS!!!

KJ said...

Hush now Andi! ... we all have our weak moments - let's not go exposing any of mine!!