Friday, September 26, 2008

The bump is here!...

It has taken a while but somewhere about week 20, I popped!...
and here's the result!
I have a much fuller face than I'm used to so when I'm brave enough, I might put a full body shot in... watch this space!
Rest assured, I'm enjoying it all the same - especially now some movement has started. The baby loves to flip-flop at some odd times through the day!

In general, it has been a shamefully long time since I have blogged and I've had some cracker attempts in my head. I've been a bit of a shocker at taking time for myself though so again, watch this space - I fully intend to write more!


Rachel said...

CUTE!!! How exciting. Looking forward to more blogging :)

KylieT said...

Nice to see a photo - thanks for sharing. It's nice to see what you look like as a Mummy to be! Although technically it could be anyone ...... :o)

Shar said...

the bump! Yay! Looking forward to seeing more activity on your blog Kaz.... and more pics of the bump & your lovely face