I must say, my writing inspiration is not exactly coming from my own life at the moment. All I can really say is, if you share with me... beware! The narrator of this event will, I fear, have to remain nameless in order to protect what little male pride he has sinced managed to scrape together!
Who knows how long ago it was that this event occurred - all we do know is that it is still rather fresh in this man's mind!... I digress...
With the secret want of being in 'peak physical fitness' in the back of everyone's minds, no-one enjoys a challenge more than a man, particularly when the challenge comes from a woman!
On this particular occasion, a male cadet went out for a walk (up the big hill to the cemetery) and as he stopped (ever so briefly!) to tie his shoelace, he was passed by a woman on her bicycle. The male in question had a bit of a snicker to himself as she was not going very fast and thought he would pass her at a slow jog - just to be infront! Without another thought, he jogged passed.
Oh how little thought we give to consequences! What this male had not factored into the equation was the sheer determination and ultimately peak physical condition of the female cyclist - would she ever give up? No sirree! She sat, apparently quite contentedly, right on the tail of our slow jogger.
And now we reach the real dilemma for our jogger - having passed the slow-going female cyclist and having reached as far as he intended to walk (not run!), he rather desperately wanted to stop and head for home. But he couldn't just stop could he(?!!) - No! Because then she would pass him and win! Any takers on picking the ending to my story??... hmmm?
Let me share some more - our jogger did not (would not!) give up and with a cyclist in tow, jogged all the way to the top of the hill so as to concede at least a win to the top of the mountain! I'm not sure how long our jogger maintained his composure (I'm guessing at least until our cyclist was out of view!) but it was not long before he collapsed (momentarily) in an exhausted heap of .... you guessed it - male pride!
Picture it - unable to stand, barely able to breathe yet a fist ever so slightly raised in the air as the barely audible wheeze is uttered: